Generaciones que cuentan
Artist Corps Grant 2024-25


Thanks to The Mellon Foundation and The Arts Council of New Haven, the project "GENERACIONES QUE CUENTAN" will offer from March 2024 to February 2025 three types of activities in Spanish for families at the Fair Haven Public Library:
Book Picnics with Artwork
Workshops with Storytelling (in collaboration with Tina Re of the Artist Books at the H. Buley Library - Southern Connecticut State University)
Concerts with Stories and Live Music (in collaboration with musicians from the New Haven Symphony Orchestra and Music in Schools Initiative, Yale School of Music)
Additional activities will be shared in partnership with IRIS and local institutions in the Fair Haven area.
"GENERACIONES QUE CUENTAN" is an invitation to enjoy reading together, inspire the preservation and sharing of our stories and heritage, and create meaningful art in our Spanish language.

Book Picnic at the
Fair Haven Public Library
Check out some books to feast on at the Picnics HERE
June 15, 2024 - 2:30pm
Fair Haven Public Library
“Un violín migrante” by Verónica Faría (author, composer) and Rosana Faría (illustrator) is a story about migration, resilience, family, and love of music
Music by Verónica Faría for four voices
El cuento de Ferdinando el toro
(Ferdinand the bull)
Music by Georges Bizet
Arrangement by Douglas Meyer for String Quartet
“Butterflies” — Ongoing Collective Work of the “Generations that count” Project, 2024
Wood and Plastic
Monarch butterflies are a symbol of resilience and the journey many migrant families undertake for multiple reasons. On their wings are written the names of those who came before, those who are in full flight, and the new generations that will reach new horizons. All together in one branch, a picture of our common language and diverse heritage, of moments shared together, albeit brief. The branch also symbolizes what is cut and grafted into a new living tree. It illustrates the unexpected turns and forms each story takes, revealing its beauty, richness, strength, and challenges.
Participants: María Concepción Viviel, Jessy Elise Guallpa, Macario Chavarría y Rocío Piña Arana (con Katherine y Natalie), Karem Romero (con Mika), Catherine Carti (con Sophia), Chavada Bee (con Om), Georgina Matamoros (con Gamaliel, Zareth, Alexis), Rubén Rodríguez Ferreira, Gabriel Rodríguez
Collective Artwork
Book Picnics' Goodies


Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara 2024

Copyright © Nohra Bernal 2024